L o a d i n g

USC Library System v2

Bookstore & Library System
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This portfolio entry is a comprehensive web application designed to streamline library services for students, instructors, and administrators. It is built using React for the front-end, Node.js for the server, and MariaDB for the database. The application utilizes a React router for efficient data transfer, minimizing page reloads.

Features of the library portal include a secure login system, personalized user accounts displaying financial transactions and borrowed books, and a detailed browsing system showcasing popular books, new arrivals, and book descriptions. The portal also provides administrative functions like adding items, topping up accounts, claiming and returning books.

The design incorporates the University of San Carlos branding elements and features a modern, user-friendly interface. Social media integration and links to affiliate sites ensure easy access to additional resources.

As the developer, I successfully implemented a full stack solution designed to enhance the library experience for the University of San Carlos community. This project demonstrates my proficiency in React, Node.js, MariaDB (a fork of MySQL), and web development best practices.

  1. CSS
  2. HTML
  3. JS
  4. MariaDB
  5. Node.js
  6. React
  7. SQL
22 December 2022