L o a d i n g

USC Library System v1

Bookstore & Library System
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This portfolio entry is a web application designed to enhance the library experience for students and administrators at the University of San Carlos. Developed using PHP and MariaDB for the database, this application offers users a seamless way to access and manage their library accounts, view available books, and conduct transactions such as borrowing, purchasing, and returning materials.

The web application features a clean and user-friendly interface that prioritizes usability and accessibility. Key pages include the login screen, main dashboard, account details, transactions history, book details, and admin-specific pages for adding items, processing top-ups, managing claims, and handling returns. The portal also integrates social media links and features the University of San Carlos branding, including its logo and motto.

Additional functionalities include browsing popular and new arrivals, accessing personal account information, viewing transaction history, and detailed book information. The admin-specific pages allow library staff to manage the inventory, handle user transactions, and ensure the smooth operation of the portal.

  1. CSS
  2. HTML
  3. MariaDB
  4. PHP
  5. SQL
28 July 2022