L o a d i n g

Mikaela's 18th

Electronic Invitation
Live Preview - Live Preview -

This portfolio entry showcases a sleek and elegant website designed for Mikaela's 18th birthday celebration. The website is built with responsive design principles, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices. With a neutral color palette and sophisticated typography, this website captures the essence of the event and reflects the semiformal dress code requested for attendees.

Key features of the website include:

  1. - A captivating background image of the luxurious venue, creating an immersive experience for visitors.
  2. - Integration of Google Fonts, providing a rich variety of typefaces that enhance the site's visual appeal.
  3. - A responsive navigation menu that collapses on smaller screens for improved usability.
  4. - Use of the latest version of Bootstrap (5.2.3) for a modern and mobile-friendly layout.
  5. - An interactive RSVP form with smart-forms integration for easy data collection and management.

Overall, this website effectively communicates the importance of the event and provides a user-friendly platform for guests to confirm their attendance, ensuring a successful celebration for Mikaela's 18th birthday.

  1. CSS
  2. HTML
  3. JS
7 March 2023