L o a d i n g

Kawaii Kaori

Rewards & Redemption Website
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Kawaii Kaori is a unique rewards-based e-commerce web application that primarily deals with premium fragrances. The site combines traditional e-commerce features with gamification and social media integration, allowing users to earn rewards points (Jcoins) with every purchase.

The website operates using PHP as the server-side scripting language and MariaDB (a fork of MySQL) for its database management. It incorporates a comprehensive user interface featuring light and dark display modes for improved user experience.

Key features of the website include:

  1. - Rewards System: Each purchase earns users Jcoins, which can be used to participate in online games such as 'Scratch-and-Win'. Winners are rewarded with prizes or additional Jcoins.
  2. - User Authentication: The site incorporates a secure user registration, login, and password management system. Users can also update their personal information, including phone number and delivery address.
  3. - Social Media Integration: The application is integrated with TikTok, boasting a considerable follower base and user engagement.
  4. - Admin Management: An admin dashboard is available for managing users, rewards, and game components. It includes features for generating new reward codes, viewing user details, and tracking prize status.
  5. - Mobile Responsiveness: The site is designed to be fully responsive, providing a seamless user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

This project showcases my ability to develop a complex, database-driven web application using PHP, MariaDB, and various web technologies. It also demonstrates my skills in integrating gamification elements into a commercial platform and managing a substantial database of users and transactions.

  1. CSS
  2. HTML
  3. JS
  4. MariaDB
  5. PHP
  6. SQL
6 May 2023